This is the screen presented during the actual operation when dividing by number.
This particular image shows that the current operation is dividing by 4 with motion in the clockwise direction.
Note that one division step has already been taken; the current position is at 90 degrees.
In this particular case, the system can position the spindle exactly at the desired positions so the theoretical
positioning error is 0 degrees. In other cases, there may be a small error due to the combination of the stepper
motor's step size and the indexing head's gear reduction.
The stepper motor used in this application has 200 steps per revolution (in full step mode).
This, combined with the 40:1 reduction in the indexing head, yields 8000 discrete positions for the spindle.
Each step thus represents 0.045 degrees.
Any angular position that is an integral multiple of 0.045 degrees can be reached exactly.
Any angular position that is not an integral multiple of 0.045 degrees is approximated by the closest possible position.
The stepper motor may also be operated in "half step" mode. This mode produces twice the angular resolution stated above.
The "Next" and "Prev" navigation items allow the operator to move to the next and previous positions, respectively.
The dividing operation can also be cancelled completely.